The 5–10–20 Training Program

Welcome to the advanced realm of training—a refined and intensified version of the familiar tri-set program. Unlike traditional tri-sets that often involve equal reps for each exercise, the 5–10–20 program takes specificity to the next level, assigning distinct repetition ranges to each movement for targeted muscle development.

Understanding the Repetition Ranges:

  1. 5 Reps (Strength Focus):
    • The initial exercise, typically a fundamental movement with a barbell, is executed for just 5 reps. This low-rep range optimally enhances muscle strength.
  2. 10 Reps (Muscle Mass Focus):
    • Transitioning to the second exercise, performed for 10 reps, focuses on building muscle mass. Opt for another basic exercise, akin to the first, utilizing either dumbbells or a machine.
  3. 20 Reps (Endurance and Hypertrophy Focus):
    • Concluding the tri-set, the third exercise involves 20 reps, emphasizing muscle endurance and fostering further hypertrophy. Choose single-joint isolation movements, preferably with cables or machines for continuous tension.

Exercise Selection for Optimal Results:

  • First Exercise (5 Reps): Opt for a basic multijoint exercise with a barbell to maximize strength gains.
  • Second Exercise (10 Reps): Stick to another basic exercise, similar to the first, but employ either dumbbells or a machine for increased muscle mass.
  • Third Exercise (20 Reps): Select single-joint isolation movements using dumbbells, cables, or machines to target endurance and hypertrophy effectively.

Rest and Recovery:

Given the intensity of the 5–10–20 program, ample rest is paramount for optimal recovery. Allow each muscle group targeted by the program a minimum of five days of rest before engaging them again. It’s advisable to train each muscle group just once per week to strike a balance between intensity and recovery.

Sample Chest Workout:

Incline Bench Press35
Flat Dumbbell Press310
Peck Deck320

Note: Rest just long enough to set up for the next exercise, with a two-minute rest after completing the tri-set.


Embrace the 5–10–20 program as a holistic approach to sculpting big, lean, and robust muscles. Feel free to customize exercises while adhering to the specified repetition ranges, ensuring a challenging yet rewarding training experience. As a certified trainer, share this comprehensive program with your clients and fellow fitness enthusiasts to elevate their training routines.